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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Wilfong Blows Competition Away in 8 Rivers Questionaire #7

Question #7: A County Commissioner receives $39,500 salary plus generous health and retirement benefits. Commission meetings and appointed board meetings take about 250 hours per year. How will you use your non-meeting time to benefit Pocahontas?

Gandee, Debra Jo Galford

A county commissioner must attend to many other things that are not handled in a
sanctioned meeting.  Meeting with company representatives, individual business owners, and elected officials to obtain the information needed to make good decisions for the county is also a necessary part of being an effective leader.  I would take the time to insure that meeting with our citizens would allow me to make decisions that reflects the majority opinion and what is the best for our county as a whole.  Research and development of new ideas is also a necessary part of managing not only a business but also of proper government. 

Groseclose, Jesse A.

  1. A county commissioner represents citizens not only at the commissioner’s office but also on many boards such as: The Greenbrier Valley Economic Development Corporation, Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, Farmland Protection, Hospital, Senior Citizen, etc. I will treat the county commission as my number one job. I intend to represent the best interests of our citizens by making informed decisions. In order to do this, a great deal of time will be spent researching the facts on both sides of an issue. Much time will also be spent creating healthy relationships between our local citizens and state stakeholders to nurture connections that would benefit our county.

Jamie Walker

Mr. Walker did not respond to Eight Rivers Council by the deadline.

Wilfong, Ben

I truly care about the direction our county is headed and can provide the proactive leadership we need! Having such a community focused representative on the Pocahontas County Commission can only benefit our community. The residents of Pocahontas County need an advocate who understands, not only the critical issues our county faces, but one who listens to and understands the voices of our community. I've heard it said that one doesn't necessarily need to be involved in community events to be elected. While this may be true, don't we deserve more? Doesn't our community deserve to see our elected officials in public and at public events; events that support our youth, our seniors, and our county? Doesn't our residents deserve the opportunity to approach and ask questions, talk about concerns, or just shake hands with their elected officials? Doesn't Pocahontas County deserve an advocate who will ask our state representatives the hard questions? I believe we do.  During my non meeting time, I will be supporting the community, as I always have, after all how can you represent your community if you don’t support your community.  I will continue to serve the Chamber of Commerce, the Pocahontas County Convention and Visitors Bureau Board, I will continue to volunteer my time for the countless organizations in Pocahontas County which provide substantial structure and opportunity for all of us.  I will support our local youth and our senior citizens. I will advocate for Pocahontas County and the citizens at the state level. The job of County Commissioner is not a two meeting a month job, the job of County Commissioner is a full time commitment to serve the citizens of Pocahontas County.   If you properly serve the citizens as their voice and leadership to reach out and ensure we can bring every opportunity we can to Pocahontas County, the salary you receive and breakdown of hours, you honestly shouldn’t even be making minimum wage if you truly care about the betterment of Pocahontas County and take the position as a serious commitment to the people of Pocahontas County.


  1. Ben wont be signing checks will he.

  2. Ben is really running for this position and Norman, you are promoting, supporting, and backing him? I shake my head in disbelief trying to clear the cobwebs from the nightmare "Bad Check" Ben created several years ago when he tried to rip off a real farmer of Pocahontas County. I'm shocked he wasn't found guilty of a felony and I even more amazed that this is being discussed in an open forum everyday of his campaign. What has changed? He repented? Sought and received salvation? Super, that's awesome!!! I wish him the best. With all of that being said, it doesn't mean to give him the keys to the vaults and let him run wild. What's next, Totten release from prison and return to run and be elected Sheriff of the county. Wake up POCAHONTAS COUNTY and take pride in the elected officials and select the best individuals with a high level of moral and ethical standards so you don't have to worry about being a headline on the front page of the Charleston Gazette or the lead story on the evening news.

    1. I have to agree with this statement, if you want to know what this man is capable of, Google his name and see what comes up, I'm not saying we should never allow Ben Wilfong to work again for what he did but, being a Co Commission is a very serious job & surely to God we can find someone to do it that doesn't steal from people in the community. Yes, he is a good talker & has really put his heart and soul in to this campaign but, what else does he have to do, he doesn't have a job so, he has plenty of time to fool the community with lies and BS!! If you remember he also wanted to be Sheriff a few years back. He wants to be in charge and run things. Make your decision wisely!!

    2. There are simply not enough crayons to explain how many errors and distortions are presented in the above reply. Definite play on Pathos (good job on that). Google? Yes, you will find something. Your argument implies something is happening in the present "that doesn't steal from people in the community", false. If someone is not for a particular candidate, that is fine and represents one of the many wonderful things about our country. But when trying to persuade people to their side, arguments that include statements such as "what else does he have to do, he doesn't have a job so," removes any logical credibility. If the individual backgrounds and mistakes (mistakes which one has been held accountable) are going to be highlighted, let's review the ENTIRE list of past transgressions of everyone running and discuss accordingly. People make mistakes. Either learn how to construct an argument that makes sense, or move on.

  3. So they "care". They will be "involved" But WHAT do they stand for? They'll worh hard behind the scenes (do I hear "secret meeting"),but FOR WHAT? "The betterment of POc CO" means nothing unless thysay what theywouldconsidr "Better". Better for Ike Morris? Better for Obama? Better for a salamander?

  4. "He repented? Sought and received salvation? Super, that's awesome!!! I wish him the best. With all of that being said, it doesn't mean to give him the keys to the vaults and let him run wild. What's next, Totten release from prison and return to run and be elected Sheriff of the county. Wake up POCAHONTAS COUNTY and take pride in the elected officials and select the best individuals with a high level of moral and ethical standards so you don't have to worry about being a headline on the front page of the Charleston Gazette or the lead story on the evening news"

    Seriously? Can we say "snowball effect" or "complete exaggeration". Nothing like trying to instill fear on a community. Comparing Ben to Totten is completely ridiculous, you may have said something that held value; null and void when you brought up Totten. Apples and Oranges. You may not support Ben-fine. At least come up with an argument that holds merit. I'm curious, what "vault" will he receive the keys to? How will he run wild?

  5. Narcissists (big word) aim to destroy your credibility and terrorize the public into believing what they believe.

    Narcissists use 'Degrading Themes' to terrorize the target causing them constant stress, anxiety and reduce their credibility. A Degrading Theme is a form of psychological harassment that stigmatizes(big word)the victim and destroys their credibility by creating an analogy that makes no sense (I know, analogy is another big word). The objective is to make the target a social outcast by deliberately spreading distortions and/or spreading constant judgement to individuals in their personal and professional environment.

    Let's try not to buy into to the slander. Election time has proven to make those who claim to be the most religious into those who are the most judgmental.

  6. Lets all face it Ben is Norman's puppet. All they talk about is how religious they are. Really we the people could really careless what religion you believe. Only as long everyone is treated fairly. That is what really matters. No matter what religion they are. I will give Ben credit for one thing he did tell one woman in this county. That he would allow all religions to place a display on public land even those that differ from the christian faith.But did he just say this to get a vote or did he really mean it ? I guess we will find out.

  7. Only in Pocahontas county would you have a list of people that are running for public office that goes so far as to include a convicted Felon that did time in prison for stealing in WV and VA WOW!

    1. Strong accusation. Which candidate? Do tell.

  8. Its a fact Lynn Jordan was in prison in WV and VA for stealing livestock


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County