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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Dog Owners Beware!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Local Blogger Arrested": 

Word out of the Court house is there a a bunch more warrants that are currently sealed, that were requested by Sheriff. 

Some are Search warrants.

 Not sure all for whom, but just a heads up folks. 

Also seems off how they were so fixated on the "evidence" of a dead cat. A cat the documents clearly show the owner could NOT even be bothered with to render aid herself, or seek medical attention for. 

Seems like Animal Neglect to me.

 And then couldn't be bothered to even pick up it's remains but called another to put it in a bag, take it away to the dump. So THIS evidence they are hyper fixated on. all the while real crimes go on in this county and they never respond to, nor do anything about. 

What the heck is really going on in this county. Even once crimes are reported, & they go before the Court, the State ie that Prosecuting Attorneys office can't even be bothered with ever even contacting victims or witnesses to know anything about the case before the enter the court room and blow the case.

 There is alot of fraud, corruption, incompetence, neglect, and major ethics violations all through out Pocahontas county. 

Yes, we all need to get some major FBI and other agencies to investigate. It is like some hellish backwoods dark comedy what goes on here. But it effects real people and all citizens of Pocahontas who aren't on that County/State job dole are the losers. 


  1. what`s sad is that it goes on and on will not stop until that lying son of an indian is out of office ..... only then will we not hear ,""gee I didn`t know what my deputies are doing """ like sargent schulz from Hogan `s hero`s,"" I know nothing "".

  2. To the comment writer and all readers of the above - you are very incorrect. First off the corruption, fraud and incompetence is on a grand scale. It has infected and been let to become so totally pervasive off ALL Pocahontas County government, courts, law enforcement. If it were solely the fault of one man who only came into office in this already deeply darkly corrupt county a few years ago, then it would have never been able to have occurred. You may have been wronged by him personally, & known of others, but the problems here are on a grand scale and will only get worse. He was not the problem, just a small part of it, and a symptom. Recall he too tried to remove some of those corrupt people from Committees and Boards, even filing those suits this blog posted documents from. And those same we see again & again cropping up as being bad actors, and their relatives. So if you all just sit on your hands, & "wait it out" til he is gone thinking that was your problem you will be smacked hard by the reality that many problems have only just begun and much much worse. Do not wait til it is too late and more suffer. The time to act is now. The woven tapestry of putrid rot is broad. We all can fully name them in so many different sectors. Everyone must act, must do their part, take a stand, and NOW.. not tomorrow.. tomorrow never comes because then it will be today, & a continuing day of all this BS. The living nightmarish hell that is Pocahontas County. So please don't falsely give hope to those on the fence to do what is right. Or who are too lazy to do anything about it, and wait for others to do their civic duty. There is no rapture for Pocahontas County. God helps those that help themselves. Blessings come to the righteous, those who do what is right, who speak up for themselves and others. Love they neighbor as you would love yourself.. we then.. LETS ROLL


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County