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Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Irony!!!

Janette Myers The people will take care of the children who need lunches. The people know who needs and who doesn't, better than the government.
LikeReply3067 hrs
John Baumiller Oh is this in reference to the lunch program that the first man Michael Obama put in place the one that all the children are throwing their food in the trash The Wanted might be full hormones to transgender our children without their knowledge people better wake up
LikeReply2077 hrs
Donna Bryan Curtis Dear God, please help us get through the remaining months of this reign of terror and shame!!!
LikeReply2067 hrs
Donna Bryan Curtis Liz I am totally serious, and in hopes that God will use whoever gets the Presidency (I'm voting for Trump!) to turn the Titanic around! Trump may not be my idea of someone who follows Jesus, but that doesn't mean God can't use him just as he did Cyrus and Nebuchadnezzar! Without a serious change in the political processes we've had, we are sunk. That's my opinion anyway.
LikeReply966 hrs
Owen Davids You just might be doing them a favor by taking away Michelle's "lunch" program ....... it's not worthy of a slop bucket !!!!!
LikeReply867 hrs
Betty Heffner He always forgets who's money the government is spending. I try not to hate anyone, but I have a strong loathing for this guy, and it has not one thing to do with race. He's just a very bad character.
LikeReply646 hrs
Sharon Krejci Alibama is a joke! Remember everyone... Republicans who not vote in November it is a vote for Hillary. Queen Hillary will continue to worry about who goes to the bathroom where,rather than the real problems we have as a nation!
LikeReply447 hrs
Margie Armstrong Harper Transgenders have been using the bathrooms of their chose for years! This is media hype and our demonic leader throwing us off track. Just take care of your own and be steadfast! Something bigger is going down while we argue this point!!!
LikeReply236 hrs
Sunny Ryan Screw him, the States should stop sending funds to the Federal Dept of Edu.....keep the money for their school lunch program since they will not fund the lunch program....
LikeReply437 hrsEdited
Luciana Cianfarani this is the sickest and evil administration this country has ever had and hopefully will never have again. How can anyone in their right mind even think of such criminal actions. People must wake up irrelevant of race or credo.
LikeReply186 hrs
Michael Lawrence On the plus side of Obumbler taking federal money away...the schools would no longer be on the hook to the Department of Education. They could simply flip him a one finger salute and then do as they wish.
LikeReply236 hrs
Dwight Bogan Take away the School Lunch programs. The kids are not eating that slop anyways! Only use of this garbage maybe in a food fight.
LikeReply317 hrsEdited
Mike Moore This man must be contained!
He is trying to do as much damage to a country, fragile already, as he can! Every step he takes America backwards, makes it twice as tough to come back!
LikeReply136 hrs

To who really do not know much about the so called Laws that he tried to shove down our throat's yesterday...See More
LikeReply106 hrs
Bridgette Watson Outlaw And it's a crying shame because it is our money to begin with. He, along with about 160,000,000 other taxpayers. Where in the hell does he get off threatening all of us with our own money? I didn't think dictatorship was legal here, either.
LikeReply116 hrs
Beverly Phelps Pretty threatening attitude for a sitting president to the people of this country! Especially since it was probably those poor students parents helped put you in office!!!
LikeReply176 hrs
Valerie Zanoni It's ironic that progressives goes on about micro-aggressions and safe-spaces, but if some dude in a tank top and shorts goes into a girl's locker room and starts swinging his junk around in front of some horrified eight-year olds, those little girls h...See More
LikeReply116 hrs
Mackelaus Crews You want to take federal funding from schools with states that don't comply? OK, then states will stop paying federal taxes
LikeReply166 hrs
Charlie Nobles of course this is only for "public" schools........doesn't matter if your snowflakes go to a private school like Obummers
LikeReply127 hrs
Gerald Morgan Helping The United States of America again, not to leave out fellow negros, and the working poor. Way to go Barry Soetoro/Barack Hussein Obama.
LikeReply3 hrs
Louis Gimbutis Jr. Also, with so many poor children, because of all politicians shipping jobs out of America, the only healthy lunch they would get is at school, but now michelle has them eating rabbit food, depriving these poor kids of a healthy meal, starving poor kids to serve a political agenda, and liberals find this okay, how sickening.
LikeReply55 hrs
Douglas R Rose As an active High School teacher, I would definitely not want our boys in the girl's bathroom. We don't even let them (the girls) shower after PE class because the girls are worried about pervert (girls). They told me that last week when we were dis...See More
LikeReply76 hrsEdited
Felix Cruz This is sad, for president Obama and his followers, equality for women and men, for boys and girls, has to do with rest rooms. What a shallow concept!
LikeReply56 hrs
Larry Sutherland Yes the dumb butt Dumb Rats had better wake up because i know a lot of you have kids and a lot of you have grand kids and do you really won't them rape in a bath room. And knowing you voted for this well if you do then it's bad to say. But if any of them do i hope it is one of your kids or one of your grand kids that get rape first. and if they do Then don't open your mouth because you vote for it to Happen.
LikeReply13 hrs
David Steber Since a larger percentage pf minority children get those free lunches than the percentage of minorities in the population that means this Obama mandate has a disparate impact on minorities, and that makes it racist by the definition used by his justice department.
LikeReply64 hrs
Richie Newburn I hope the next president replaces liberal logic with common sense! If Hillary succeeds the first black president and first woman president will feature 12-16 years of Watered down American values that put transgenders, muslims, and illegal immigrants,...See More
LikeReply56 hrs
Beverly Oliver You are the worst blackass you are lower than a snake / what gives you the right to starve children you are not a president you are a figurehead . When Trump becomes President all of this will be straighten out American will become the country it once ...See More
LikeReply26 hrs
Sonya Wilder He said he take away all school funding. This is illegal. That money he's trying to withhold belongs to the American people. They wouldn't have it with us giving it to them. Start withholding all money from the government. Fight back. Dont bow to this terrorist
LikeReply55 hrs


  1. one more wedge issue to whip up hatred by republicans .... the last republican president put us in two unfunded wars and tanked the stock market.... the republican party has spent the last seven and half years nullifying everything no matter what it cost this country.....other than god guns and gays they have nothing to offer except these imaginary issues that just turn up the hatred in people .....the governor who has started this issue is up for re-election and he is reaching for straws ......I really don`t remember reading anything in the bible about the L.G.B.T. or the trans gender community with regards to what Christ had to say or where people can pee ....what Christ did talk about at length was love, mercy, forgiveness , understanding, tolerance,and charity .....

  2. have your kids carry pepper spray to school since they can't carry a gun they can carry something to protect themselves from these trans perverts that rape and attack kids. we need to know if mr. beam is going to allow this to happen in the schools here? will he ban these sick kids from the schools or will he allow them in the girls bathroom, showers and locker rooms. if they are not banned have your kids carry pepper spray and fight back.

    1. navin r johnson-esquireMay 15, 2016 at 10:23 PM

      ....or Pam cooking spray...and a lighter !!

  3. Norman are you wanting people to attack trans kids? You know Jesus would sit, eat and talk with them but you a pastor calls for them to be attacked. What kind of example are you setting? Boy you're a good christian spreading hate of people who Jesus himself would care about.

  4. Judging human beings for their sins or virtues, itself is a sin. You can not see what's in their hearts. And you should not judge what you can not see. It's only for God to judge our true intentions. If you try to claim the authority that belong to God only, how could you ever be a saint yourself? The sinner you need to worry about most, is the sinner inside Yourself. Not outside!

  5. Odd I do not see Normans name on those posts I see people assume he made those posts Norman has never encouraged any type of physical violence against anybody to my knowledge. He has suffered physical threats from others and even then dropped by the police department like a rock but I've never seen him be violent heard of him being violent or even encouraging any type of violence. The fact that he lets people Express their opinion here seems to fall on deaf ears. Just because someone posted it does not mean that Norman agrees with it.
    Yep I have issues with a man being able to dress as a girl and go into a girls bathroom men need to go into men's restrooms and females need to go into female restrooms if they go out and have the plumbing change that's a different story but until then a guy is a guy and a girl is a girl and I could care less about what Obama says take the school lunches they suck. As for Norman judging people we all judge people but I notice you don't have a problem with you judging Norman and you don't even know if he was the one that made that post which I sincerely doubt. What a bunch of Two-Face jerks. And yes I made a judgement call if you don't like it too bad.
    The Road Runner...

  6. IRONY!!!I agree with irony on this but not the way you think. The irony is that we have 13 yes 13 sex offenders with in 1 mile of the marlinton elem. school but everyone is so worried about trans children we don't have in the schools. I think the 13 sex offenders should take priority over trans children we don't have.

    1. Funny Norman didn't put your comment on his facebook page. You're right 13 sex offenders should be on top of the list. I do have to wounder why he didn't post it.

  7. The fact is trans people are not attacking people but with that being said we do have many straight heterosexual males who will attack boys, girls and women. So in short the danger is from straight heterosexual males who will do anything to attack someone. They will go in to women's restrooms. They will break in to homes. They will do anything if the want to attack you. Again it's not the trans it's the straight heterosexual males.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County