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Friday, May 27, 2016

Continuing Questions Re: Sheriff's Race


  1. no wonder chief run a muck wanted howard shinnaberry off that committee what I wonder is with his kid as deputy what was he on it in the first place

  2. EVERYONE call here: Public Corruption & Civil right abuses, violations hotline 412-432-4122. Everything about local government, Council, Boards, Prosecuting Attorneys Office, those problems w/ Magistrates, problems with anyone in local Sheriff's dept, problems or irregularities, intelligibility, or retaliation connected to the elections, etc. Don't forget those suspicious fires. Ring that bell again.

    You can call most West Virginia Agencies and end up being told by the person on the other line how they all know this county is very corrupt. They laugh about it, but WE have to deal with it.

    Make those calls. This is how Federal Prosecutors, and the FBI can get involved in cleaning up all this corruption, and protecting the citizens of this counties rights.

    For those that had recent and past Court / legal troubles related to many of these things, they need to call and make sure their civil rights are protected in the legal process here, or make sure to have venue changed, or request a special prosecutor to review the cases and investigate IF they should have been brought forward in the first place. Tell it all. The Feds need to hear from everyone. Each person is an important part with important information, (no offense is too old) to this whole rotten carcass that is the County government, judicial system, law enforcement. No tip too small. You have rights, everyone's rights are violated everyday.

    Some of you can then go to REAL media, try Washington Post or Times, ACLU.

    Don't forget that you must file ethics complaints against ALL offending parties, in any position. Don't forget to file the same against the attorneys who represent the Counsels, Boards, Commissions, they are just as dirty.

    Even get that whole current Judge Rowe, and Dent deal looked into.

    How about some kind of petition for recalls, and class action suits against ALL current, and those corrupt incoming. To get a total overhaul, review and some kind of interim oversight & review, and guardianship for the County put in place until cleaned up. Get all those accounts and records going back looked into.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County