A Detroit judge has awarded over $100,000 in attorney’s fees in the case of a Christian, George Saieg, who was attacked and arrested at the festival.
“This case is a stunning example of the pernicious influence of stealth jihad and Shariah law in America. The city of Dearborn is now a serial violator of Christians’ constitutional rights and has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs defending its insidious conduct. Apparently, in Dearborn, where Shariah and jihad is advocated openly, it is a crime to preach the Christian gospel. AFLC is committed to stopping this attack on our Constitution. And the ruling today allows us to do just that,” said Yerushalmi, an AFLC attorney.
A federal judge in Michigan has decided to allow a civil-rights claim against the city of Dearborn by four Christians arrested at the city’s Arab festival to move forward.
In that case, the city was told to pay the fees on behalf of Christian Pastor George Saieg, who had been arrested at the 2009 event. Magistrate Judge R. Steven Whalen said his recommendation was for fees and costs totaling $103,401.96 to be awarded in the case that was handled by attorney Robert J. Muise.
The American Freedom Law Center said the four Christians were arrested by Dearborn police officers while speaking about their faith to Muslims.
The Christians spent the night in jail and were accused of “breaching the peace.” However, Muise won acquittals from a jury for all the defendants in a criminal trial.
After the trial, Muise, along with Yerushalmi, filed a 96-page civil rights lawsuit against the city, Mayor John B. O’Reilly, Chief of Police Ronald Haddad, 17 police officers and two executives from the American Arab Chamber of Commerce. The plaintiffs are Acts 17 Apologetics, Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, Paul Rezkalla and Josh Hogg.
“The judge’s ruling today is a huge victory for these Christians,” Muise said. “It allows the civil rights claims for the most egregious constitutional violations to proceed against the city and its officials. AFLC is committed to ensuring that our Constitution and not Shariah law, which makes it a crime to preach the Gospel to Muslims, is the supreme law in this country.”
The city had argued that festival worker Roger Williams’ complaint to police about the Christians gave officers a reason to arrest them.
Muise and Yerushalmi, on behalf of the Christians, argued the ruling does not preclude the civil rights claims because it was based upon fabricated allegations, and the Christians did not have a full and fair opportunity to challenge the claims in the police reports prior to the ruling.
The federal judge agreed with the AFLC attorneys.
U.S. District Court Judge Stephen J. Murphy III stated, “It is a reasonable inference from their allegations that [city officials] knew Williams’ complaint was pretextual.”
The federal judge noted that “[t]he indirect evidence of this conspiracy that was developed in state court and is already a part of the record in this case — including the videos and the testimony given by [city police officers] at their trial — elevates [the Christians'] accusations above the threshold of plausibility. ”
The federal judge also said, “The [state] district judge appears to have presumed the police reports submitted were truthful, and staked his probable cause determination on that presumption. Plaintiffs had no opportunity to either cross-examine the officers or take the stand themselves to contest the reports.”
And he ruled, “Finally, the district court was inattentive to the effect plaintiffs’ claims of First Amendment protection might have on the probable cause determination. . . . The Sixth Circuit has warned on previous occasions that Michigan’s ‘breach of peace’ statute is prone to such abuse.”
“This case is a stunning example of the pernicious influence of stealth jihad and Shariah law in America. The city of Dearborn is now a serial violator of Christians’ constitutional rights and has wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees and costs defending its insidious conduct. Apparently, in Dearborn, where Shariah and jihad is advocated openly, it is a crime to preach the Christian gospel. AFLC is committed to stopping this attack on our Constitution. And the ruling today allows us to do just that,” said Yerushalmi.
another wack job article ,found on wack job sites,stoking racial and religious hatred in people.......good job rev.alderman it doesn`t matter how low you stoop to get votes for patti and better pray we never switch to shariah law,you would have been beheaded a long,long time ago............
ReplyDeleteI saw the same thing on Yahoo Google News and Fox News are they the,wack job sites you were talking about.
Deletealso how do you tie this to Norman running for office.
You really must have a pea sized mind to do that..
are you the same turd who's always posting lwacko stuff
with no facts to back it up other than the ones you pull out your rear end. You seem mad all the time .Get some help take a few pills what ever it takes to make you normal again if indeed you ever were.
The Road Runner......
fox news is wack job news plays to a small ,old white christian group of bigots.........i stop voting along time ago for pills ,f.y.i. there is no war on christmas,no plot to switch to shariah law,and there is a birth certificate,just as valid as your birth certificate ...... my position is if you want to preach this stuff,bigot then don`t run for elected office ........just get yourself a white sheet ,cut 2 eye holes,put it on mind is o.k. thanks for asking though........just mystified at people who claim to be such great christians can be such bigots..........if you don`t like what i have to say ( remember 1 st. amendment ) take the site down ..........
ReplyDeleteFox new is the number one rated new show on TV .
ReplyDeleteThis sight allows you to speak up and your knowledge of the first amendment appears to be very limited.
This is a private site and is under no obligation to post anything you or anyone d3cides to post. However they choose to do it .
Go try BP and see how far you get when you attack their owner .
Actually there have been a number of Muslim groups sue for their right for shariah law you just don't know it because of your limited exposure to the real world and the fact you watch the real whack job news outlets. As for a war on Xmass yes there is to a extend you have many groups who have no belief in God which is fine but they insist others feel the same . You must live in a hole not to have heard of this or watch CNN all the time.
I never said I think Obamas birth certificate is not real as I think it is very real. However I do feel he is a bad president you need to go to BP to get with the group who bash Obama all the time and argue with them and see where it gets you.
Sorry but people of faith no matter what faith it is and those with no faith are all welcome to run for public office as it is so in all 50 states.
You just go out and act as if your so mad run off at the mouth with no facts and basically make your self look like a fool. Mentally you could be bested by the average 14 year old high school student.
O did you know your remark referring to the white sheets, that group was founded by democrats if you will check history .
The anti religion faction of the democratic party fails to understand that a democratic party group based on hate and religion is his party of choice.
What a fool he has no clue his is the bigot party.
The Road Runner....