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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2nd Amendment Going Strong!!!

How to Understand Georgia's 'Guns Everywhere' Law: Four Blunt Points

How to Understand Georgia's 'Guns Everywhere' Law: Four Blunt Points
Photograph by Steve LaBadessa//ZUMA Press
Georgia appears poised to enact a so-called guns-everywhere law, making it easier for firearm permit holders to take their weapons into bars, churches, and even airports. Approved last week by the state legislature, the bill awaits the signature of Republican Governor Nathan Deal, a strong gun-rights advocate up for reelection this fall. His opponent, Jason Carter, a Democratic state senator and grandson of former President Jimmy Carter, voted for the legislation, so enactment seems assured.
Non-gun owners doubtless find all this baffling. Here are four blunt points to sort out what’s going on and how to respond:
1. The Newtown school massacre led to “guns everywhere.” Perverse as it may sound, the horrific mass shooting in December 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary produced a burst of state-level gun control bills around the country and then triggered a much stronger pro-gun backlash. The counter-reaction has now reached its apogee in Georgia. In the past year alone, 21 states have enacted laws expanding gun rights, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Several states added piecemeal provisions allowing firearms on college campuses or in bars or churches. Georgia’s politicians, egged on by the National Rifle Association, have gone for broke.
2. Georgia illustrates the NRA’s structural advantage on gun control.As if we needed a fresh demonstration of this phenomenon, the gun-rights lobby currently enjoys a fundamental edge in the debate about regulating firearms. In an era of falling crime rates, liberal enthusiasm for gun control simply doesn’t pack much political punch outside certain blue-state environments. Yes, people get riled up, understandably, by mass shootings at schools or movie theaters. Over and over, we’ve seen those emotions fade quickly, giving way to a more sustained counter-reaction from the pro-gun side. The NRA has skillfully responded to calls for stricter gun control by portraying them as evidence that liberals’ real agenda isconfiscating firearms—all firearms.
A cadre of highly motivated, well organized pro-gun voters believe the NRA scare tactics and rally behind ever-more-aggressive measures to expand gun rights. Thus, we now have concealed-carry laws in all 50 states. We have traditional self-defense laws replaced by stand-your-ground—and in Georgia, guns everywhere. Even those who deplore these developments at some point must acknowledge the pattern. At present (and maybe always), the intensity of pro-gun passion exceeds that of anti-gun passion.
3. Skeptics of expansive gun rights need to respond intelligently. The smart response is not scorn or exaggeration. For better or worse, gun ownership has come to symbolize a range of deeply felt ideas about culture and government authority. Making fun of people who view their firearms as emblems of liberty and traditional values (however they define those values) will neither change minds nor repeal legislation.
Exaggerating the practical effects of gun-rights legislation doesn’t make sense, either. The Georgia measure allows guns in bars and churches under certain circumstances. Saloon owners who don’t want weapons in their establishments would have to post a sign saying so. That doesn’t sound so onerous; a lot of bars in pro-gun precincts already have such signs. Worshipers in Georgia wouldn’t be allowed to pack heat unless their congregation affirmatively votes to “opt in” to the guns-everywhere law. Personally, I wouldn’t choose a synagogue whose congregants thought they needed Glocks to celebrate the sabbath. But that’s me. If someone else’s congregation feels safer knowing that people are armed, I say: Let them go with God. I doubt that enactment of Georgia’s law will lead to a rash of shoot-outs. If it does, Georgians can reassess.
4. The best response to gun-rights extremism is a focus on fighting crime. Rather than engage with the NRA on the cultural battlefield, where gun-rights advocates have the upper hand, liberals should focus on the most-pressing problem related to firearms—that their prevalence in American society makes our violent crime more lethal. Broadly speaking, this approach would have liberals emphasize more aggressive enforcement of existing laws against illegal gun possession, rather than obsess about situations that allow law-abiding citizens to own guns and carry them on their person. Still speaking broadly, the anti-crime approach would have liberals ask how the extraordinary successes in reducing violent crime in places like New York—where gun control laws have not changed for decades—can be replicated elsewhere.


  1. IF one adult with some convection had a gun in Newton then the entire affair may have been stopped.
    The Police have guns to protect them self not so much you.
    The more people who legally carry a firearm the more likely there will be someone there to help the fool who dislikes guns when he or she is being mugged, raped etc.
    Of course when your being beaten and robbed or gang raped you can call the Sheriff before they get started working on you or tell them you live in a no crime zone that should
    do it.
    Me Ill pull out my hand gun and defend myself but don't worry, I will show up in court to support you as you I.D. the people who just beat you or gang raped you if your still alive
    Odd one Nordic nation has very low violent crime yet has mandatory mil service and those in the service get to take fully automatic fire arms home same in a small nation in the middle east where crime isn't a issue but being attacked because of your religious belief is.
    So having guns must not be the real issue here, maybe there is something wrong with us and no law can fix that.

    The Road Runner....

  2. why don`t you all pack at norman`s church,that`s real christian ????????????what kind of gun did jesus have while delivering the sermon on the mount ??????????what is sick is that 5% of the country has all the guns,and tell the other 95% to get one ..........can you find any more bizarre news tid bits to remind the voters ,you are touched in the head..........just what we need ,more guns and more gun deaths............if one of your grandkids was killed in a school shooting,would you still argue for such nonsense ?????????norman i once heard you give a sermon ,and you proclaimed loudly that you where a conservative ,at the time what went through my mind was that jesus was a radical,and he died for those beliefs..... ......does turn the other cheek and have faith in the lord to protect and keep you mean get a big ass gun and lots of ammo ??????? think not ........after reading this gun crazy ,i have to agree with the sheriff to armor plate the court house .........norman you will never be elected to any thing ,so devote yourself to prayer,no one takes you serious .....

    1. WOW what's wrong you got a turd caught side ways seems your issue is Norman not guns , sounds like you need help from a mental health professional.
      You would agree with the Sheriff no matter what to be truthful ./

    2. First I don't go to church but I do pack a gun, second Jesus couldn't carry a gun as they had not been invented , actually 30% of the population say they own a gun which has gone down from the 70s when it was 70% many do not wish to tell others they have guns and in good old Pocahontas county I fear you would find it closer to 70 % or more. Yes if one of my kids were killed I would want to know what the school had done to stop it and about the only way to do that is to either have a armed resources officer or teachers you may not have noticed but the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy posting the gun free zone has not worked for some reason. Turning the other cheek was referring to being slapped not stabbed or shot but one would need a ounce of common sense to understand that. Clearly you cant do a lot of cheek turning after being shot in the head of course a person without any gray matter upstairs would think they could. You want to armor plate the court house now and agree with the great running a muck how cute . Perhaps you should hope no one takes you with a grain of salt as far as I can see your in need of a doctor and perhaps a slap of reality. Why don't you be a man and just say you have a issue with Norman and stop giving us inaccurate facts and figures which you clearly pulled from your rear end where you head seems to have come to rest also.
      Use caution when dislodging it perhaps the running a muck one can be of help as he has made the same mistake several times.

      The Road Runner....

    3. By the way in the even your being beat to death or mugged or knifed I will respect your right to dislike guns and drive on without stopping and pulling my gun to defend you.
      I DO NOT WISH TO INFRING ON YOUR RIGHT TO BE DEFENSELESS AND ALSO YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO SUFFER SEEING ME PULL A GUN TO SHOOT THE PERSON WHO IS GUTTING YOU LIKE A FISH. I will call the Sheriffs office for you and upon their arrival they can call the coroner to transport you to the morgue. Of course with no cell phone service in most of the county it may take awhile for me to find a pay phone or for me to find a homeowner to call them for me.
      I just do not understand how the world has become so full of idiots, its surprises me that your kind has managed to breed and survive your own stupidity .Are you one of the aux. by some chance ?

  3. Thank god we has a Sheriffs office to protect us from rapist o wsit that was a deputy well they can keep our car stereos safe from thives o wait that wad,a deputy well they can protect us from forgers,and,scamers o wait that,was,a,deputy also well they can keep us,safe,from drunks who shoot up the town o wait that was,a,deputy too .
    Well they protect our free speech o wait they repressed it maybe keep us,safe from drugs dam a deputy passed out in the,evidence room .
    Well im sure they keep us,safe from something I just dont know what,zombies drunks and,those who run stop signs maybe o wait I forgot about the,aux and p.a. Office well. Hell I could use some help here guys

  4. Don’t ya just love IDIOTA in the second post above that try to say ‘Christians shouldn’t own guns’? What planet are these aliens from? In Luke 22:36, didn’t Jesus tell his Disciples to ‘sell your cloak’ and BUY A SWORD? Didn’t His Disciples come back with TWO SWORDS? Didn’t one of his Disciples cut the ear off one of the soldiers trying to arrest Jesus in the Garden? Didn’t Jesus heal the cut-off ear? Statistics show that ONE in ELEVEN persons worldwide owns one of more firearms! The question is how to convince the other eleven to obtain one for their personal safety & such! Firearms are TOOLS – different calibers for different work assignments! And COMMON SENSE should tell all of us that IT’S BETTER TO HAVE A FIREARM WHEN YOU NEED ONE – THAN NOT HAVE ONE WHEN NEEDED! And this is the same IDIOTA that is trying to tell Norman that he cannot be elected! If someone has the BEST IDEAS & THE INTEGRITY & TRUST of the public – isn’t that exactly the kind of descent, moral & Righteous persons we should elect to public office! Or is this IDIOTA content with rapists as deputies, & thieves & liars in public office? Whoever this IDIOTA is, he should try living a week in any city of his choosing!

    1. I the poster you are referring to is a tool, that would explain it all.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County