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Friday, March 28, 2014

There are a Lot more Perks for Correctional Officers in WV

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Unbelievable Ruling by the WV Supreme Court": 

This is an ode about our friend, Rotten Totten.

He is long gone but certainly not forgotten.

He chose to be a deputy, and that sealed his fate.

He should have been a correctional officer with the State. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes indeed when ever we think of shady deals women and underage females being raped, drugs or butt holes our old friend Deputy Rotten Totten just automatically comes up first on the list.
    He will be a hard one to replace as he's got the official record for felony's 66 if I recall correctly..
    And I'm sure there were many more he committed but didn't get charged with.
    I recall the fiasco of his bosses promoting him and calling him the best deputy in the state maybe the nation not long before the FBI and the State Police tore down their paper walls of shame.
    How when the P.A. introduced the sheriff to some of the underage victims the sheriff got mad and walked out refusing to believe the victims even after several adults such as Norman warned him about the rotten one
    The Aux member on topix defending the rotten one the really sweet deal Totten got from the special P.A. and the judge .
    Yes how can I forget while the judge the Sheriff and the aux would love it if people forgot I dare say the legend of rotten Totten will follow them for years because only a complete idiot would think they did the right thing. I'm sure they think they did the right thing which go's back to the previous sentence.
    Lets all think of the 3 monkeys who speak no evil see none and hear none when it applies to themselves.
    I salute the Sheriffs office as it has gone from bad when we had deputies shooting up the town to the laughing stock of the state maybe the nation I think our 11 cops hold the record when you average it out for the number of felony's and non felony's they have been charged with and the legal actions against them . It can only get better from here on ,O I cant believe I said that


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County