Brenda Curry Davis Boothe Help me to understand!! If Norman is lying as you say then why is BFD refusing to give the information that is requested.
Norman or any other person has the right to request information for whatever reason.
Norman Lee Alderman, I am assuming that you or someone you know has requested this information and have not received what your requested right??
So Keith, William, or whoever is a BFD member, explain to us residents why if you did receive a request, why would you not follow procedure and provide the information.
I believe I speak for the majority of the people in Pocahontas County when I say that we are all grateful for the people that volunteer their time and put their lives in danger for us.
We appreciate that! But we also give a donation yearly and when you see a fire department in the little town of Durbin purchase a $190,000.00 building it makes you take a step back and wonder why???
I believe that many are asking the same question. Wouldn't it be beneficial for the BFD to provide the information not only because you are required to but would you not want to do this for the citizens that give to you?
Let's put this fire out!!

Buster get a grip before you are removed and have to sit onbthe curb andcwatch the fire trucks go by.
ReplyDeleteDont think it cant happen fat boy.
You should be proud of what you do andcwhat your plans are not hide it like a crack head who just scored a nice rock.
The Road Runner...