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Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Lack of Maintenance

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Neglected Buildings": 

I doubt most people buy a new home just because their existing home is 47 years old . People tend to do maintenance work on their home. 

I just spent 42000 on new high end kitchen custom cabinets and tile in the entire house had it painted and new custom blinds . 

This thinking we have to build new is from a lack of vision and planning .

The Road Runner... 


  1. Modern buildings are just like modern cars - they are designed improperly which makes working on them a nightmare. Why should a fuel pump be located inside a gas tank? Why should an engine (or other pieces of equipment) have to be moved in order to change a few plugs? A building can easily be designed to make pipe and wiring replacement easy. I once easily replaced the wiring in an old house because the old wiring was not stapled to the 2x4s. This cannot be done in a new house. Road Runner is right - we need to design buildings with an eye on easy repair instead of quick obsolescence.

  2. So true but did Ron Hall get a couple of companies to go in and get us an estimate on repairs instead of replacement. NO. We pay him his SALARIES as he hold quite a few positions in the school system but I met he does not hold a certification in construction or an engineer degree. Our Board of Education is only going by his word and the word of 1 other person that he appointed,I assume.

    1. You are assuming wrong. Go to the BOE and view the estimates for repair/replacement provided by an independent architectural firm as well as the results from local contractors. Cost for the estimates? Free.

    2. When i spoke of maintenance it wasn't trying to fix what has been let go for years it was doing repair work and update as needed just a little bit of the time one or two classrooms could have had additional wall outlets installed per year like I said I lack of vision for the future and planning.

      The Road Runner...


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County