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Monday, October 19, 2015

Rattling the Chains of Education

1 comment:

  1. Common core is not the answer, it will only serve to heighten the problems in PC schools now and in the future. Severely under-funded for decades, our schools have suffered in many ways, including building maintenance and being able to hire superior staff. Our children could learn in a one room schoolhouse heated with a wood stove if they had quality teachers who cared. The lack of options for students as they enter middle and high school is outrageous. Proper funding would solve a lot of issues. But what happens when it is publicly announced that PC was shorted over 1 million dollars in funds.....and that the county would NOT receive them ever......we roll over and accept it. Why isn't our school board fighting for our money that is rightfully ours???


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County