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Saturday, October 25, 2014

This Rock Wouldn't Roll

1 comment:

  1. that house in the background was the scene of a grisly murder of a 14 year old boy by his grandfather .......the house is a wreck and has been on the market for years,with no takers ....... david cain is the real estate agent ( a,k.a. THE POCAHONTAS AUTHORITY )...... so after all these years somebody( maybe cain )decided to smash this monument up to make this haunted house more attractive ........ whoever was responsible for this should have their ass handed to them .......what is the reason for historical markers but to share our history with future generations .........that spot was once a very important place in the story of greenbank and pocahontas county ........i really do not believe that those people who placed that marker ,and the forest service who paid for it wanted it smashed up and the bronze plaque hauled off ....... the responsible parties should be made to pay for the restoration of this monument and ,arrested and fined ........ the forest service would not have paid for this historical marker if they thought it was on private land .......i wonder if this is not a lien on this property much like a right of way is ??????????????


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County