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Thursday, July 6, 2017

This Man is burning our tax dollars by the 1,000s.

Nearly 1500 certified copies of Ferrel's cases are residing in the magistrate clerk's office.  Besides the labor of certification, there is the question of cost.  That is nearly 3 reams of paper.  If paid for by a defendant could amount to 50 centers per page at a cost of approximately $750.  That's not good! 

But in Ferrel's case it is free to him because he has no money. 

 Even if convicted of all the charges he still wouldn't have a red cent for any fines.  

He has already consumed $43,000 in jail fees from an earlier acquital after spending 30 months in jail awaiting trial.  The local judge ruled that that was a speedy trial.

 Most recently he was remanded to jail in lieu of bond costing another 84 days and about $4,000. 

He's burned through one public defender and is presently working on a second.

None of this was necessary.

  He was given a PR bond for the first charges but Magistrate Wilfong sent him to jail for the last charge.  He requested to be released on PR but the newly appointed special magistrate said no.

Ferrel doesn't miss court hearings.  The court has appointed him a sever competency hearings before various shrinks and he has been ruled competent to stand trial.

  The entire office had to be recused from the case.  The records weren't allowed in the mag. office and had to be kept under special care upstairs.

Finally, after appointment of another public defender, Josh Edwards it suddenly dawned on the assistant prosecutor (who lives in Nicholas County) that he had no objection to a PR bond.

The court released him on a PR bond set him on the sidewalk and made him walk home from the jail at Belington.

  It took him two days to get home on foot!  

They make everyone find their own way home from the jail despite the fact that it is dozens of miles away in another county.

There is one magistrate in this county who apparently thinks the TVRJ is a mental health facility.

It isn't!

Here's what went down:

1 comment:

  1. they will never catch on what the right thing to do is, its starring them i8nn the face.
    Sometimes a trained beast cant see there are options.

    The Road Runner...


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County