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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Battle of Droop Mountain

1 comment:

  1. Most people today have no clue about our nation's history.
    If they did they would be wondering why our nation is headed in the direction it is.
    Most have no clue hoe restrictive and overbearing our goverment has become.

    This is what allowed sir rotten to flourish and others along with almost Nazi like tactics of the local supreme leader and our president.
    What was sacrificed in the past to achieve freedom is so often overlooked.
    I recall reading ow a group of American youth condemned the US for using the a bomb on Japan.
    If they would open thier. Liberal eyes and see the cost of taking islands from the Japanese they would see the truth.
    By the sT they were not willing to give in because of the a bomb it was Russia's invasion of occupied China that did the trick.
    The Road Runner....


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County