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Tuesday, March 22, 2016

3 Judge Panel Dismisses Citizens' Petition


  1. you better put your assets in your kids names because they are going to come after you ......did you notice that all of your pro-se cases always meet a similar fate ???? they go no place ..... it is time to just step aside they will self destruct on their own with out your help ....just like your boy trump is going to do ..... stop being joan of arc cause you know what happened to her ..... I can smell the lighter fluid already

  2. Suck it up Butter Bean. You Lost again.

  3. WHAT???? How can they get away with this ?

  4. Speaking of leaders doing the right thing for the people am I the only person to have noticed something unusual about the Democratic Party. Yes the poor man's party The Working guys party The People's Party why is it the so-called poor people have such Rich leaders Ultra rich in some cases.
    Maybe it's just all in my mind after all Bill Gates isn't really worth that much money is he and what about Obama's buddy sarous among others such as the Clinton they really aren't worth all those Millions are they .its just a Republican lie isn't
    The Road Runner...

  5. I hope they sue your pants off and all the people you tricked in to signing your petition.

  6. Stay strong Norman. Go after them and their children. Let everyone know what they have done. Show the cry baby that you can take photos of who and what you want. Show them they have no say over your First Amendment Rights!!!

    1. What is wrong with you? Go after their children ? That is harassment and stalking. Yes that could lead to jail. What is wrong with you people wanting to go after children. Who have nothing to do with this. Norman you do this people will lose all respect for you and you know it's evil to go after children.

  7. what respect does he have to lose?

  8. Norman you lost again. It's time to get over it. You have wasted way to much time on something so petty. Why not go and do some good for a change. Like go hand out food to the needy in the area or raise money for the school. That will help the teachers who spend so much out of pocket for things needed for the classrooms but we all know you will not do anything of the kind. Be the change you want to see in others.

  9. LOL Him help others haha good one.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County