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Monday, August 11, 2014

RAD Protest Names


  1. this was when chief run a muck was running round playing starsky and hutch ........remember he was giving tickets and apprehending desperadoes even though he had no training and no cerification as a police occifer .......... if this kid had any money for a good lawyer this would be thrown out of court ......... that is why our girl connie lost track of this case ,cause it is a loser ........ keep the kid tied up and if he messes up well then straight to jail sounds like the courthouse gang is using the same play book of rules that they use all the time for reverend alderman ,when they need to tie him up .......sounds like connie should be disciplined for her poor job performance,with a few days off ,without pay,with the promise of getting shit canned if she screws up again ....... i am sure that if she feels that she is overworked ,and can`t preform her job correctly there are plenty of young ladies here in the county that would be thankful for her job ........of course in her defense i am sure that she gets tied up with signing ballot petitions ,and giving depositions for gene simmons and beer can bob ........although signing and involving herself in crooked genes games is a conflict of interest with her job ,for which she should also be discharged post haste so many at the courthouse who have gotten fat, dumb,and happy sitting behind those desks ............i guess they forget that they are not there to play with and to mess up peoples lives .................

  2. this kid got railroaded for stealing a car off of charlie bill sheets ....... i think it happened right after runny muck took office ...... the kid was barely 18 years old ...... he got a trip to huttonsville,so he was well on his way to learning to be a career criminal ....... the boy didn`t have a father growing up ,he didn`t have the opportunities so many other people enjoy .....i truly hope this can be put behind greg and that he can move on to a more productive life .............he didn`t get the breaks that chief run a muck and the chiefs kids got ,thats for sure`..............

  3. the above comments are supposed to be posted under lost in space


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County