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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Unspeakable Loss


  1. Yes many family's lost members in that unfortunate time in our history.
    My family had servicemen on both sides.
    Many think the war was over slavery but it was over states forming their own nation.
    I myself have issues with the feds and think states should do their own thing.
    Still we live in a great nation, the world often looks to us for guidance and to take action against those who suppress their own people.
    But in truth we can not and should not be the world's police force, but be examples to others to follow.

    The Road Runner...

  2. Speaking of unspeakable loss have we got a replacement for Cole yet.
    I know finding someone with his qualifications will not be easy.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County