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Saturday, November 4, 2017


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Time to Spill Buster": 

Citizens who have the full legal right to receive all of this information and documents were obstructed, (ie perhaps felony obstruction of justice) and when everyone only had simple answers they assumes of course they would easily provided, it is BFD's Boards actions that have revealed this goes much deeper, and then they turn around and continue to commit more such violations, and attack people with such hate, malice and for their own agenda that it is clear evidently that MANY things are afoot that are disreputable.

1 comment:

  1. Buster wake up your a elective own nothing buy have been put incharge because think your a. Good man and will do the right thing.
    Act like adolph and you will br treated like him act like old knarly head buster and people will treat00you such.
    Act like a member of the community and welcome arms witt embrace you choose the asshole route and you get a new nick name its all up to you


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County