by David Pringle
Chief of Staff, West Virginia
Chief of Staff, West Virginia
THE SUMMER was a time of work and celebration here at the National Alliance campus in West Virginia. In August, we held a small gathering of our local supporters and people who have been helping us rebuild our facilities. I counted 20 people, including children from one year to 16 years old. We had a nice bonfire at Pierce Point (the lookout), grilled a good meal, and celebrated our progress thus far.
It was the night of Lammas, the ancient Anglo-Saxon midsummer celebration and celebration of the early harvest.
Before the celebration, we bush-hogged the tall goldenrod, pesky multiflora thorns, and about 20 “volunteer trees” that had taken over the area over the past 12 years, reclaiming this wonderful site for our use — the spot where Dr. Pierce most loved to contemplate Nature and the Earth, and where he had planned to build his home.

Next — and this job was one that should have been done ten years ago — we trimmed the trees that had grown over the main office building. If you look at maps.google.com and simply enter “National Alliance compound” (no, we don’t call it that, but they do) into the search area, you can literally see from space the amount of clearing we’ve done over the summer. (I tried to get “compound” changed to “campus” but Google wouldn’t change it.) Unfortunately the grass and tree cutting at the top of the mountain was done a week after Google put up their latest satellite image. You can actually see our garden from space!
Everything we do here on The Land is focused on getting this place ready for staff and other families who want to live in a clean, healthy, non-Judaized, all-White community and keep building it, expanding it, defining it, and then teach others like us how to do the same — communities where men are men, women are women, and children can run and play without the fear of an illegal alien snatching them or a Black murdering them, turning them into a “hush crime” statistic.
In the movie Field of Dreams the main character hears a voice in a corn field whispering words to the effect, “If you build it, they will come,” inspiring him to build a stadium there. As I check on our new beehives which we put in place this month; as I work on the meeting hall; as I get my hands dirty in the garden — I hear that phrase in my head and know it’s the truth. If we build our White Zion community, they will come.
Our many adversaries and even the Jew-controlled media know that our wholesome National Alliance community project is worlds apart from the negative stereotypes they vend about us as they demonize White loyalists in general and the National Alliance in particular. Our ideas have the potential to reach, and catch on with, millions of long-suffering Whites who are looking for just such an island of sanity in a world gone stark raving mad.
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Source: National Alliance BULLETIN
I my self think the National alliance and black lives matter are basically one in the same hate groups.
ReplyDeleteI hope you compound main building fall in on its self. Your all a bunch of screwed up weirdos.
Teaching people to hate. Yea I know the truth about you.
you promoting this clown? no matter, he wont be there long.
ReplyDeleteyep what did you here? I heard things about some grand juries and things with Pringle and those scumbags going down on alot of Federal Charges. Also don't forget they were involved in the Oklahoma bombing, and one of their leadership murdered all those people in Kansas. They call him a hero and martyr, but he only killed white christians. They are the reason we need to be armed around here and at church.
DeleteThey are a very dangerous anti Christian cult. There are good reasons they are watched by so many agencies in all the on going investigations. They are listed as Domestic Terrorists.
ReplyDeleteEvery individual has the right to live as he pleases, to associate or not with those he chooses, and to believe crazy mythologies. Where these folks MAY go deadly wrong is if they wish to use the power of government (force) to abridge the rights of others doing the same things. And this plan is ill-advised as well as immoral: If they did achieve their Aryan paradise by slow or swift extermination, next would be the Aryans who were not quite Aryan enough. Freedom is better, Bro.
ReplyDelete"Wholesome" what a joke, this is nothing more than BS propaganda. Their leadership consists of nothing more than convicted pedophiles, insane murderous criminals who live off government checks for being insane, and they run drug operations up there in our county. They also abuse animals. Who knows what all sick ritualistic crap they do up there. They also organized and attended that riot in Charlottesville where folks got hurt and killed. That Pringle is a sick piece of work.
ReplyDeleteword is they are doing drug dealing up there and also things with making what is called ghost guns. lots of shooting and illegal paramilitary training been going on up there. They are part of the network of domestic terrorist criminals around the country to undermine it and on there sick race war. They say they started in charlottesville. which they call a victory. some stuff on the internet that the killer in texas is connected to their network of groups. A group that does training for their aryan armies around the country. That black skull mask is part of it. It will only get worse. Some pictures of that killer and his gang and connected to those rallies pringle has been organizing around the country
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ReplyDeleteGuy who said he was part of some of the Rainbow killings Paul Joseph Franklin was a National Alliance member. Tim McVeigh and others in all those cases connected to the Oklahoma bombing were members, and said he was up there, along with others of them like John Doe up there. That Frazier Miller Cross who killed in Kansas 2014 was leadership. Dylan Storm Roof had connections with their web pages. Wade Michael Page who shot up and killed at the sikh temple was a member and also on their record label, and he lived up there. The gang the Order were members. Aryan Republican Army and all those bank and armored car robberies was them. The bombers and robber from florida and some other state were members and up there alot, gave them money. Lots of em. Do you see a pattern? So don't try to tell us this is not a problem for our Nation, and our neighborhood. We know better
ReplyDeleteThey were never part of the Rainbow killings you're thinking of Arnold Cutlip and Virginia Schoolcraft. Those poor girls were found on their land.
DeleteThere were many more killings, rapes and missing persons of people connected to going to those retreats, events, and part of the hippie culture than you are thinking of. Yes other names come up in those investigations, Beard, McCoy, Walton, Thompson and others as well as Cutlip and Schoolcraft. Many missing hitchhikers too. Paul Joseph Franklin, National Alliance member and mass murderer is on record as confessing he did do one of those killings here. Many more crimes against people of color tied to this all also. All these years and so many have bragged about things while drunk or drugged up. We have many sick, dangerous criminals living among us. Do we not also have a lot of cops that we all know are racist?
DeleteWe at The National Alliance would like to say Thank you to Mr. Alderman for spreading the real truth about us. We are a protective and loving group. We would love for all of you come and visit us. So you can learn what we are really about. You can reach me Deo Vindicel 336-432-0386 / kkkknights.com Please don't listen to what the liberals and dems say about us. We are fighting for our country and for Trump. Hope to see and hear from you soon. God Bless You All