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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Should Assist. Pros. Martin Apologize to John Leyzorke free polls 


  1. I saw in the times Bob said 98 percent of our problems were from drugs .
    But if I recall right he is a NORMALi member and suppirter.
    Is he or not cause that group wants dope made legal .
    Something isnt adding up.
    Pet pig thing is weird to I eat them myself.
    I drink my beer also I dont throw it just for the record.

  2. that alone should be probable cause for jonese and the goon squad to kick in his door in the middle of the night and make an arrest.
    worry about the search warrant details later, he can find a magistrate to "work with" him, lest they be deemed evil and wicked.
    one of the deputies has most likely taken on totten's role and goes straight to the judges with 'knowledge'.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County