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Thursday, July 8, 2021

1990 Fads


Senior Superlative Ideas for Any High School Yearbook

  1. Life of the Party
  2. Most Likely to Be President
  3. Most Likely to Cure the Common Cold
  4. Most Likely to Write the next Harry Potter
  5. Most Likely to Win the Lottery and lose the ticket
  6. Most Likely to Be on a Reality Show
  7. Most Likely to Be Late to Graduation
  8. Most Likely to Trip at Graduation
  9. Most Likely to Be Your Boss
  10. Most Changed Since Freshman Year
  11. Most Likely to Invent the Next iPhone
  12. Most Likely to Win an Olympic Medal
  13. Most Likely to Win a Nobel Prize
  14. Most Likely to Win a Pulitzer
  15. Most Outspoken
  16. Best Voice
  17. Best Beard
  18. Most Unique
  19. Best Rapper
  20. Best Car
  21. Best Snapchat Stories
  22. Best Promposal
  23. Worst Singer
  24. Most Likely to Become Internet Famous
  25. Best Facial Expressions
  26. Best Sneeze
  27. Most Likely to Travel the World
  28. Most Likely to Become a Farmer
  29. Most Likely to Come Back to Teach at This School
  30. Best Candidate for the CIA
  31. Most Environmentally Conscious
  32. Class Activist
  33. Class Heartthrobs
  34. Class Heartbreakers
  35. Biggest Flirts
  36. Most Intellectual
  37. Best Comebacks
  38. Best Gamer
  39. Best Sneakers
  40. Best Photographer
  41. Most Likely to be on Catfish
  42. Worst Driver
  43. Most Likely to be Found Studying in the Library
  44. Cutest Couple That Never Was
  45. Worst Case of Senioritis

Fallon’s tricks of the trade start with a couple different high-level themes. We mentioned them briefly already, but here’s the list again:

  • Celebrity look-alikes
  • Pop culture influences
  • Physical appearances
  • Personality quirks
  • Facial expressions

Tried and True Superlatives for Any School

  1. Friendliest
  2. Best Hair
  3. Best Eyes
  4. Most Likely to Succeed
  5. Best Personality
  6. Best Dressed
  7. Class Clown
  8. Most Athletic
  9. Loudiest
  10. Quietest
  11. Cutest Couple
  12. Most school spirit
  13. Most ambitious
  14. Most likely to cheer you up
  15. Teacher’s Pet
  16. Best Laugh
  17. Best Smile
  18. Best Accent
  19. Biggest Prankster
  20. Most Gullible
  1. Best all-around
  2. Biggest flirt
  3. Class clown
  4. Cutest couple
  5. Life of the party
  6. Most athletic
  7. Most changed
  8. Most likely to succeed
  9. Most unforgettable
  10. Most unique

Socially Outgoing Yearbook Superlatives

Every class has a group of people who steal the show. Whether they’re entertainers or they’re everyone’s best friend, they can’t help being the center of attention and will certainly make your superlative list.

  1. Best dancer
  2. Best entertainer
  3. Biggest gossip
  4. Biggest prankster
  5. Most affectionate
  6. Most involved
  7. Most liked by parents
  8. Most likely to never be single
  9. Most likely to talk your ear off
  10. Most spirited
  1. Best shoulder to cry on
  2. Biggest drama king/queen
  3. Most accident-prone
  4. Most gullible
  5. Most likely to be late for class
  6. Most likely to brighten up your day
  7. Most likely to put something off until tomorrow
  8. Most likely to not change at all
  9. Most opinionated
  10. Most upbeat attitude

The end of one chapter naturally makes you to think of the future. You take what you know in the present and project how things will turn out. Think of how much fun you’ll have reminiscing about these senior superlatives at your first high school reunion.

  1. Most likely to be Instagram famous
  2. Most likely to break a world record
  3. Most likely to get married first
  4. Most likely to invent a new form of social media
  5. Most likely to move out of the country
  6. Most likely to remain high school sweethearts
  7. Most likely to save the planet
  8. Most likely to stay in hometown
  9. Most likely to win a Nobel Prize
  10. Most likely to win the Super Bowl

Out-Of-The-Box Yearbook Superlatives

Not all senior superlatives have to be realistic. While some of these ideas are entertaining, they also focus on quality traits that fit some of your classmates perfectly.

  1. Best person to share a deserted island with
  2. Most likely to beat all of Michael Jordan’s records
  3. Most likely to become a superhero
  4. Most likely to lead a protest
  5. Most likely to leave and never come back
  6. Most likely to marry a millionaire
  7. Most likely to quietly take over the world
  8. Most likely to run off with the circus
  9. Most likely to visit Mars
  10. Most likely to win the lottery and lose the ticket
  • Furthest Distance Traveled to Attend
  • Longest Married
  • Most Children
  • Most Unusual Job
  • Most Eligible Single Male
  • Most Eligible Single Female

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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County