by David Pringle
WE’VE BEEN VERY busy here in White Zion. We’re making progress slowly but surely. Today we began to plant the garden. Yes, a little late — but I don’t think it will have much effect on the results. Chairman Williams came up Sunday for a visit, a meeting, and to bring us the new roto-tiller and 150 feet of pipe so we can run water to the garden. I was thinking this big garden should be named after Ron Cartwright, one of the first National Alliance members — and a lifelong member who was killed in a hit and run in recent years.
We used the Ford tractor/backhoe to dig up the soil and then we tilled it. We planted about one third of the garden tonight and will try to finish tomorrow, weather permitting.

We’ve cleared away the limbs that were destroying the warehouse awning. We have cut the trees that were growing next to the warehouse in the back. They would have begun to tear the foundation soon.
We’ve cleared away the overgrowth around the meeting hall and began to clear the Memorial Garden area. This is a project for a brushhog but we will tackle it slowly over the Summer. The top culvert cap, made of hand-laid stone, has been cleared.

The farm house repairs are well under way. We have jacked up and secured the broken floor joists. We installed a new water heater and re-plumbed the entire house with new parts. We are now waiting for a submersible well switch to arrive at the local hardware store and after that is installed we should be finished. Then it’s on to painting. There is electricity in this building.
Today we were paid a nice compliment about the condition of the meeting area in the main building. A former staffer said “Wow, it looks like it used to. I feel like I should sit down and start stapling BULLETINs.” That meant a lot.
We had a non-member guest this weekend who was also impressed. And all this work is being done the Alliance way, with volunteer labor. People power. Our people, working together for a long term goal. That’s what we were doing before the disruption — and that’s what we are doing now that it is almost over.
The NARRGies and the neighbors see that we are constantly making improvements. The warehouse and red barn still have a few limbs to clean up from trimming the apple tree. Will Williams left his most excellent chainsaw last week when he was here, so this next week I will tackle the barn and warehouse area.
I sealed the entire meeting hall where it was leaking. We might get some rain later tonight so it will be a great opportunity to check our work.

We had a blade spindle break on the mower last week but I found a replacement at the local Snapper dealer and the mower is up and running like a champ. I mowed the entire upper area where our garden is, and the entire parking area and the surrounding area at the meeting hall. I also cut the sides of the road up to Dr. Pierce’s house. Maybe tomorrow I will do the area next to our gatehouse.
I had to build a speed bump out of rocks because the (hostile, SPLC- and NARRG-allied) neighbor has been driving too fast on our road. He backed up at a high rate of speed two days ago and almost backed his white truck into a tree. We have animals; our friends have children; and we simply cannot have that kind of irresponsible and dangerous behavior, especially from a man as old as our neighbor. His motor skills can’t be good enough to respond quickly to a dog or child that got in the way at the speeds he’s been using.
The local Sheriff’s office told the hostiles to stop calling them all the time for petty things and have stopped responding to their calls. We have a detailed no trespass order that was served on them, but they ignore the order. The squatter doesn’t do yard work and the last time I saw him looked greasy and unkempt. His speech was slurred as if he was drugged. His girlfriend always has a cigarette in her mouth or hand. She takes huge drags from them. I’m sure the house will take a week or more to air out once he is evicted.

I’ve been working to repair a couple of the generators up here so I can run dehumidifiers in the National Vanguard Books warehouse and try to get some of it in order. The previous staff were visibly lazy and most jobs are half finished. We found half-filled book orders… some with cash in the envelopes still.
The former staffers try and blame Will Williams for all of this. Here’s what I know: Will Williams is one of the few people I have dealt with in the “movement” who says he’s going to do something and then does it. When he makes me a promise it can be banked on. He keeps our local account at the hardware store up to date so we can always get supplies when we need to. He said he was buying a mower, done. We needed a roto-tiller, he bought one and brought it to us. Pretty much everything we’ve needed, Will Williams has made it happen.
I’ll take a picture of the garden… it’s a lot of work but our friends came over and we all worked together on it. That kind of community-building is what this place is all about. White people power. The hostile old man who lives next door and his personal staff of two can see the garden. They have nothing even close to it. Or any friends they do not pay. Every person the old man has is paid by him to be here. It’s almost sad.

Will brought down 150 feet of 3/4-inch pipe so we can install a water spigot at the garden. I’ve also been looking at chicken coop designs and have settled on an 8-foot A-frame style that’s movable. The pump switch for one of the wells is finally in at the local hardware store. I’ll pick it up Monday. The tractor had a slight problem with the wiring from the starter to the key switch. It took a bit to figure it out but, while under the hood I found a couple other small issues that I was able to fix before they became a problem. Of all the equipment here the tractor is a handy thing and it gets the best fuel “mileage.” I figured out how to switch the backhoe attachment for the road grader and the brush hog… that the old man next door has in his back yard. No, he’s not a thief… of course not.
A donor gave us several high-quality “game cams.” These will be used to help us secure the property. We had three timber estimators tromping through the woods measuring trees to cut on nearby properties… in that particular area, if they accidentally cut some of our timber we could lose a lot of hardwood. We spoke and I explained that if they called ahead I would have escorted them to our road and they could have saved an hour of hiking.

It would be great to get the key to our Dodge truck back from the old man’s tenant. The local police apparently cannot make them give it up. Our total count of stolen property is $5,000 plus. They have our phone system, a computer, and the key to the truck — among other things. All in good time.
I did turn the power off to the squatter and his water. He doesn’t pay anything for it and only costs us money. Stopping his theft of power and water is absolutely appropriate.
So far I have two West Virginia State Police officers and three Sheriff’s Deputies who are chomping at the bit to throw this squatter out of that house. One said that even if he was off duty to call him at home and he will stop what he is doing to eject the squatter from our house.
We are getting settled in. Laura is “nesting” and setting up our home. It’s looking very nice. We can’t wait to get into the gatehouse and give it a proper scrubbing!
We’ve been looking around the area at different shop buildings. Several in Marlinton and one in Hillsboro. I have to say, besides the old man and his employees this place is heaven on earth. I have seen two non-Whites since I got to the county. Two!
The only time I feel like I should be armed is on the front part of our property. The rest of the time there’s no need.
Last night I showed Laura something exciting. A mud puddle with raccoon paw prints, deer prints, and bear foot prints. All within two feet of each other! Laura has the camera right now; I’ll be taking more pictures of the progress here at the Campus later tonight or tomorrow.

Luckily, we haven’t seen or heard anything from the hostiles in days which is very nice. The property is huge and there are lots of things to do on it so we work the garden, we work the other buildings, and we watch the property — that’s the job.
Chairman Williams asked me come here and secure the place. So I resigned from my very good job, working for people that I genuinely like and respect professionally and personally, to stop the trespassing and begin to repair the buildings, infrastructure, and get it ready for staff to return as we need them. And that is what I am doing.
There’s no point in bringing the library back until we have someone to properly catalog and organize it. There’s no point in someone working at the warehouse until there is power again and that means a new power pole. And none of the above can happen until there are livable quarters on the property for staff and families. One thing at a time. First we get the things looking right and running right at our campus.
In reality, I have the original meeting area cleared, cleaned and ready to use. We had brought all these tools for the former people to use, but they didn’t use them and they were scattered around on tables everywhere. The office where Marta and Jeff used to work took about an hour of cleaning so we could use it without getting the hanta virus… or worse. Now it is all usable. The Church building is ready. Offices are cleared of garbage, new curtains are hung where we needed them, and all has been vacuumed.
As soon as there’s power to the auto shop and the meeting hall things will move much faster on the meeting hall repairs. For now the leaking is stopped. We had a good downpour today and nothing got through. Back to work…!
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
Here is Pocahontas Counties own National Alliance David Martin Pringle posting on one of several National Alliance web pages. This is their personal forum WhiteBioCentrism they also use and are an intimate partner with Stormfront forum as their members are moderators and admins there. Despite what the media claims that site has not really been shut down and had been being used, promoted, and the "work around" being published to the world on how to do so by the National Alliance. There is also another Stormfront site now located at whitenationalist.com as another "work around". In this link you will see Dave Pringle complaining about a letter to the editor in the Pocahontas Times. Pringle states he sent in a response to the editor, but was not accepted. Pringle prints it in full on this site. Then is responded to and congratulated by Will Williams who is the "leader" of this violent criminal gang of Domestic Terrorists. https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=3259&sid=ab1cd173ac4aaaf57d5c0cbf4f706099
ReplyDeletePlease note above that where you post you published for your blog article came from was from June 2016 and they claim and do, have members of the West Virginia State Police, and the Pocahontas County Sheriffs Department who actively support, protect and defend the National Alliance. Some have for many years. Some are high up in rank. You should edit you posting to bold, highlight, and enlarge the font of those Officially published statements by the National Alliance.
That Will Williams and David Pringle are that same nuts who caused the international media to come out to our county to do interviews with them and citizens last year because they publicly congratulated and cheered for the killer in the Orlando shooting, and for that stabbing and shooting murder of that woman in England Jo Cox; who was a Member of Parliament. The may who murdered MP Cox was yet again another murder terrorist who had strong connections to the National Alliance. Folks remember when there was all that activity and interviews because it was proven that Tim McVeigh and John Doe #2 had been here in WV and connected to some of the folks there before the bombing of Oklahoma city, and connected to all those 22 bank robberies in the mid-west. There were articles that said some of that money was given to Will Williams back then. Same as it was said and shows up in those FBI files that before that they got the money from their National Alliance members in The Order from all their robberies to buy the land at Mill Point in the first place. Then same time 1995 that Will Williams was working with members in the military to steal weapons and explosives, and connections to Fort Bragg, same thing done with the White Patriot Party he was involved in. The National Alliance even had that big billboard for recruiting right at the gates to Fort Bragg in April 1995. That in the Oklahoma City Bombing trial David Pringle's Arizona group had ties to the bombing and members of his National Alliance Unit in Arizona even had to testify at the trial. It was also claimed that Micheal Fortier who was in the Army with McVeigh was also in the National Alliance Arizona unit. Do some simple easy research and see that Will Williams is tied to those murders in Kansas in April 2014 by his best friend and mentor from way back in the early 1980s Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. aka Cross. That Williams who was from NC joined up with Miller who was founder and head of the Carolina Knights of the Klu Klux Klan. They then commit some crimes and got shut down so changed the name to the White Patriot Party that was a paramilitary domestic terrorist group that declared war on the Federal Government, called for the murder of judges, and all people they did not like. In that there were some more murders. Alot came out from lawyers in 2014 and 2015 for many high profile cases including Oklahoma city bombing and they again pointed more murders on the Miller Williams groups and to execution style murders in Shelby NC 1987 by the same people connected to that Greensboro Massacre. These are sick, deluded and dangerous people who have even committed many recent violent and felonious crimes in our county and getting away with it. Pringle is the one out here trying to recruit our boys, our cops, guards, and they publish that they have done so.