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Thursday, April 7, 2016

Is this a place in Pocahontas County?


  1. Wonder why he is not using his Georgia adress.
    I sure wiuld like to hear his answer to that.

  2. I really like the local return address but the postmark from Augusta Georgia that kind of says it all doesn't it. He must really think the people of Pocahontas Couny are stupid I would love to hear Robbie say where he really lives.

  3. sue him for running a false campaign he is not a true west virginian

  4. Stay strong Norman do NOT let them bring you down. It is the business of every voter in pocahontas to know who and what the candidate is. Has anyone even heard where he stands on the issues ? I sure haven't. As we can see he lives in Georgia. His friends and family even say so but on facebook they say otherwise. You know you're doing something right when you say the truth and people get mad because the turth really does hurt. Hang in there Pastor Norman.

  5. Residency is not determined by a postmark. One can mail from anywhere. Check his drivers licence or his voter registration.

  6. Making a false statement on official documents is a crime.

  7. norman you will never learn, mind your own business.

    1. And as a resident and voter it is his business.Along with every resident of pokey land.
      Just who are you to tell the resodents its none of thier business who runs for public office. Sounds like one of the run a way run a muck clan aka the defunk aux who think they are gods gift to the land and rulers of the people.
      The question should be when will these pecker heads learn they dont rule anything.

  8. At one time a Alderman busted Boss Tweed now we might as well have another Alderman going after the Sharps who decide not to follow the rules of the land or is it sharks.

  9. it makes me ill how many false christians are running for office we got one that drinks parties and don't live in the state he is running for office we have another one who thinks devil worshiipers should be treated with respect and they have rights what has happened to our county?

    1. What the heck does religion have to do with anything ? New flash all people are equal no matter what religion gender or race. Open your eyes we have many religions in pocahontas.

    2. many people per to vote for people with similar values as themself

    3. there is only one true GOD false religions have no place in pocahontas and those sick people who follow false gods will burn in hell they should be shunned they should not be able to buy goods they are not wanted here if you support anyone who is not a christian then you too will burn

    4. You're bat shit crazy. Robbie and Ben are going to win. They are not nut cases like yourself.

    5. Not be able to buy goods. You need to go hang out with the jack booted thugs.
      If you really belive your own words you are not close to being a follower of god.

      The Road Runner...


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County