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Monday, April 4, 2016

Information Pouring in


  1. So when are you going to smear Becky Campbell ? Since she is running for the BOE and will more than likely beat you very badly. :)

  2. Norm hasnt said one bad thing that i see just pointed out thr facts.Seems the people who know Rob have been expresing thier experiences with him.

    The Road Runner...

  3. Donovan Norman pointed out was it Robby doesn't live here and lives in another state and has a job in the post office in that state. No one is stopping right before moving back to Pocahontas County living here for 90 days to become a legal resident getting a driver's license and then running for office. Sorry but he can't live in Georgia keep a job in the post office and run for office here and if he doesn't win stay there and if he does move back. Norman hasn't smeared Robbie in the least he made a joke about him living in a mailbox because he's living in Georgia and working at the post office there if you don't like that then tell your buddy to move back take up residence and get a job here. Otherwise please shut the hell up and quit crying like a little bitch. Campbell beats Norm that's fine it has nothing to do with Robbie you're just so hateful and small-minded you can't help yourself to blame Norm for everything in life that goes wrong that you don't like. You should get a job with the Sheriff's Office so you can persecute him like they did. You're nothing more than a little punk with a big mouth so so go cry on topics or BP you can get a shoulder to cry on.

  4. Norman is a true american. He stands for all of us with no voice. He sees what Robbie really is a man cheating the law. We stand with you Norman. Don't let them win and let the truth ring for all to hear!!

  5. I find it shocking the amount of political turmoil and outright corruption that exists in Pocahontas County. From Totten to Clifton to Wilfong to many, many others, it seems to be the "norm" to accept such disgraces on the county. Here, a valid issue of two candidates running for office but residing elsewhere is raised, and the messenger gets attacked (that is usually a sign of the truth of the message). I have followed Norman's blogs for the past 8 years and, surprising to some, he has been right countless more times than he has been wrong on exposing or attempting to expose corruption in this county. Previously, I made a post about the wrongful actions of the Sheriff's office and their midnight, vendetta raid against Norman on an extraordinarily weak misdemeanor warrant (i.e., Fleming was "afraid" of Norman's minions spying on him). The Sheriff's office knew full well that arresting Norman after hours would result in an overnight stay in jail, regardless of the merits of the warrant. There was and is now absolutely no justification for serving the warrant after midnight. It was done solely out of revenge for Norman's posts on here, and in an attempt to squelch his continued exposure of corruption by public officials in this county. I applaud him for the risks he takes in doing so.

  6. Norman Alderman you must win the seat on the BOE. You're the best hope for our county. You're the only one who will fight for the morals and the souls of our children. Only a good christian man can do this job and you're the only one for the job. Please fight hard and get the votes.

  7. From what his family and friends say here he sure is a resident of Augusta Georgia maybe he should run for magistrate there . Or become an underwear model.

  8. LOL Stalking Robbie's wall that is pretty low. Robbie comes home every weekend. The more you go after him the more votes he gets. He will win the office and you know it.


    1. Stalking omg I wonder if this is a sharp or a jonese crying.No one is stalking anyone. And as for him driving home every weekend from Georgia yea sure and the moon is made of cheese.

  9. Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Once the Secretary of State finds out about this he will be removed from the ballot for not being a resident. He who laughs last, laughs the loudest. HAHAHA!!!!

  10. If your going to lie about residency what would you be like in any type of office. Someone that you couldn't trust that's for sure. He was part of the good ol boys when he was a cop. We don't need anyone like this in any office. He will continue to deliver mail in South Carolina when it's all said and done.

    1. Odd how all these people say they miss him when one of his moron supporters here say he drives home every weekend.
      900 miles round trip every weekend .And he never sees any of these people who miss him. If they miss him that indicates he lives another place other than Pocahontas co the land of jackbooted thugs and thier lying supporters.

      The Road Runner...


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County