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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Pocahontas Circuit Clerk May Have Have Committed a Criminal Act

Editor's Note:   A group of citizens have signed a petition to remove School Board President, Emery Grimes for having a mistress (committing adultery) and living in the wrong district.  When I went to file the petition,  it was suggested by Connie that she perhaps should have charged $200 per signature which would have been close to $10,000 to file one petition.

The Supreme Court has validated our petition and ordered that a three judge panel be enlisted to hear our case.  That is scheduled in about two weeks, March 24, 2016 at 9:30 am in the Pocahontas County Courthouse.

As a routine part of the process I submitted a  list of five people to be subpoenaed for the hearing:  the wife,  the mistress, a prisoner, a next door neighbor and an insurance agent.  Connie Carr accepted the list and charged me $127 for the sheriff to serve the subpoenas.  Yesterday, I got this letter from Connie with a check for $102.  (You can read the letter below.)

Now I am not certain why Connie has done these things.  Perhaps she is just protecting here kinfolk.  Emery Grimes is kin to her.  I just don't know!  Anyway we are going to keep going forward and will take this matter up with the three judges March 24.


  1. Sounds like Connie Carr is in bed with them. You should sue her. What she has done does not sound legal. Why would you want Earl he is a woman beater of the worse kind. As a pastor i would think you wouldn't want someone like that standing for you in court.

  2. I wanted to ask something. I heard a child got hurt over on the play ground a MES and the school is going to be paying the medical out of the pocket of the school. Do you know if this is true ? The school is already strapped for cash and wanting a levy could this be why they want a levy to pay some kids medical bills ? Where is the money really going ? This sounds really fishy!

    1. My kids told me they took out the merry go round. That's all i know.


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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County