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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Doc Smith

Confused And Saddened
#1 Tuesday
It's honestly sad to think of how many females there is in this town that are strung out and tramps. How can you be so low to associate with strung out so called "men" for alcohol or drugs?!? Today's generation is so sad, what ever happened to women having respect for themselves?
Doc Smith
United States
#2 Wednesday
Confused And Saddened wrote:
It's honestly sad to think of how many females there is in this town that are strung out and tramps. How can you be so low to associate with strung out so called "men" for alcohol or drugs?!? Today's generation is so sad, what ever happened to women having respect for themselves?
It helps when men respect them but you sir are right.
But it's not just for drugs or booze it's far more complicated than that.
todays world
United States
#3 Wednesday

It's the way it is. It's not just females its men too. Society's moral code isn't what it was when I was growing up. Too many hard druga readily availableand with every bag sold the scum just sink deeper pulling the rest of the world into the shitter with them.
Doc Smith
United States
#4 Wednesday

Don't just blame dope look at the actions of ex deputys and the powers that be who worked so hard in one place to avoid and perhaps cover up the sexual abuse of females both minors and adults. To this day freinds of the badge try to make it seem like the perpetrators were the victims not the dozens offemales.the court system has dropped charges like bugs being sprayed with raid. One fool even claims all the old deputys are gone but that's not true many are, as they were fired jailed or exposed for thier crimes be the sex or just normal crime such as shooting up the town when drunk or overdosing in the evidence room or stealing or writing checks on banks that have been closed for years.
But others are still there but seem to be smart enough to shut up. Except when they called the deputy with 60 plus sex felonys hanging out his head the best Deputy in the State maybe the nation . I think he's the best Deputy serving 20 years for one count after the PA dropped all the other charges on a plea deal .

Lets not forget the supporters of the felons crying how there was no evidence and blaming the women ,then crying because their buddy was not getting a break on his sentence ,and how hard it was for him in protective custody.

To bad they did not drop the other 60 plus charges as it might have caused the pervert patrol supporters to cry them self to death.
grown up parent
#5 5 hrs ago
Men go for easy and cheap.
Raise your sons to have better standards.
And don't let your daughters act or dress trampy, ever.
No little pimps or hos.
When YOU teach them to value themselves, they at least have chance.

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A local archivist who specializes in all things Pocahontas County